Here comes January… again!


Time to check in on how your business performed last year. How did it stack up against the vision you had planned for yourself at the start of the year?


Did you find your resolve to accomplish your biggest ambitions weakening as life unfolded – which it has an annoying habit of doing throughout the year? Did your “same-ole-same-ole” self take over that imaginary being that was fired up about everything you wanted to create?


Sorry to say, but there’s little reason to believe this year will be different. That’s because most of us are following the conventional methods of setting goals and mapping out strategies. And unfortunately, these outdated strategies just don’t work.


That’s why I’ve developed an unconventional way for you to create a clear, inspiring business vision that will give you the framework to stay motivated every day so you can create great things!


Hi, I’m Liz Wolfe. I coach entrepreneurs to get unstuck so they can launch and grow an abundant business.  The proven formula I use to coach my clients is simple but powerful: A Clear Vision + Purposeful Action – Hidden Mindset Barriers = Breakthrough Results


It all starts with vision.  Without a clear vision, you can’t know what action to take. That’s why I’m offering this intensive 2-hour online workshop where you can create a Personalized Vision Roadmap for your business for 2024.


“I loved the Business Vision Roadmap workshop! It was extremely inspiring

and uplifting.”

– Angela Viscido, Eclectrix Video

During this hands-on, interactive online workshop, here’s how
we’ll create your personalized roadmap to abundance in 2024:

1. Reflection 

We start by honoring your past efforts, and acknowledging who you are and where you are in your business. We’ll debrief 2023 by celebrating your wins and clearing off the challenges you faced, so you can be empowered to move forward freely.


2. Identify pitfalls (aka hidden mindset barriers) 

We’ll let go of the fantasy that somehow in 2024 you’ll be a different person than who you are now. You’re not going to be more organized, more disciplined, more focused, or more anything! Instead, we’ll Identify common pitfalls that will demotivate you and cause you to struggle. We’ll unpack the mindset blocks that weigh you down so you can take inspired action.


3. Create an empowering Business Vision Roadmap 

Through interactive exercises we’ll do together, you’ll envision where you want your business to go in 2024. You’ll develop a 90-day action plan that works for you, and lays out what to do and how to do it in a way that makes your dreams a reality.

Using this transformative approach to business planning,

you’ll start the new year empowered to take your business to the next level,

make an impact, and create the financial freedom you desire.

“It was so helpful to create my vision from the perspective of what I learned last year.


Now I’m planning next year with a new level of self-awareness knowing that I’ll always focus on what matters most and do it well.”

– Marylyn King, The Expert of Choice

Without a clear framework of a business vision for the year,

you’ll spin your wheels and feel stuck.

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed with the long list of tasks on your “to-do” list and the seemingly infinite actions you can take to work on your business.


Aren’t you tired of working so hard to produce results only to be dissatisfied at the end of the year that you never got to what was most important to you?


I’ve been coaching entrepreneurs for over 20 years. I’ve seen time and again that using a typical goal-setting approach has limited power and creates frustration, feeling stuck, and mediocre results. In fact, I spent years struggling with exactly the same problems.  That’s why I created this Business Vison Roadmap system.


There’s no point in dragging into 2024 what didn’t work in 2023 – or any previous year.


Using my Business Vision Roadmap system, I’ll help you to let go of what’s not working, prioritize what’s important to you, and set you up for business success in the new year. You’ll walk away motivated to get started and clear about what’s important and ready to create it.

During this workshop you will…

Create your own personalized Business Vision Roadmap for 2024 that prioritizes what’s most important to you. No more cookie-cutter tactics that haven’t worked for you in the past and won’t work again.


Gain clarity on who you want to be in your business. No more defeating comparisons or fantasies.


Have a mindset shift that empowers you to take action in your business. No more blocks in your way.


Lay out a 90-day action plan to implement your personalized system. No more stressing about where and how to start this year better than previous years.


Get individualized coaching from me and receive support from a community of similarly motivated entrepreneurs

Workshop Details:


Date: Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Time: 1:00 – 3:00 PM EST


Where: Live online on Zoom!


Link to workshop is provided after registration.

“Very helpful and supportive for keeping me motivated!”

– Natasha M.


“I’m so glad I participated. It was an eye-opener!”

– Lana C.

Liz’s Personal Journey


Liz Wolfe got her entrepreneurial start growing up on a sheep farm in Western Pennsylvania with her mother and two sisters.  They built a cottage industry making and selling woolen items, which helped Liz develop her selling skills from the age of 10.


Later she moved to NYC, where she used those skills to create a successful CRM consulting business with her husband, Jon.


She is now a business coach, author, and speaker who coaches entrepreneurs to get unstuck so that they can launch and grow an abundant business.  For more than 20 years she has empowered people with her three-part coaching system starting with a clear vision coupled with purposeful action, and removing hidden barriers to get breakthrough results for her clients.


Liz says that one of her greatest accomplishments is staying married to her husband for 25 years while running a business with him.  They have two wonderful children. Always eager to get in front of a crowd, Liz also plays the ukulele and is half of the singing duo Ukulicious.