Here comes January… again!
Time to check in on how your business performed last year. How did it stack up against the vision you had planned for yourself at the start of the year?
Did you find your resolve to accomplish your biggest ambitions weakening as life unfolded – which it has an annoying habit of doing throughout the year? Did your “same-ole-same-ole” self take over that imaginary being that was fired up about everything you wanted to create?
Sorry to say, but there’s little reason to believe this year will be different. That’s because most of us are following the conventional methods of setting goals and mapping out strategies. And unfortunately, these outdated strategies just don’t work.
That’s why I’ve developed an unconventional way for you to create a clear, inspiring business vision that will give you the framework to stay motivated every day so you can create great things!
Hi, I’m Liz Wolfe. I coach entrepreneurs to get unstuck so they can launch and grow an abundant business. The proven formula I use to coach my clients is simple but powerful: A Clear Vision + Purposeful Action – Hidden Mindset Barriers = Breakthrough Results
It all starts with vision. Without a clear vision, you can’t know what action to take. That’s why I’m offering this intensive 2-hour online workshop where you can create a Personalized Vision Roadmap for your business for 2024.