30 Jun What have you been wanting to do for a long time?
Is there something that you’ve wanted to do for a really long time, but just haven’t gotten done?
For me that “something” is to write a book.
Even as a child, I wanted to be a writer. I penned poems and short stories, and dreamed of someday writing a novel.
When I developed my coaching programs, I visualized putting the concepts into writing so that I could reach a larger audience. I fantasized about being on The Today Show like my friend and ukulele singing partner Jeanne Martinet for her bestselling book The Art of Mingling (which I highly recommend and is on my list of books).
But year after year has gone by, and I just never did it.
I know there are lots of reasons I haven’t followed through. The voices in my head say, “I don’t know how to write a book.” “Who will read it besides my friends and family?” “What if it’s a flop?” “I’m not a real author.” “It’ll take way too much time.” I could go on, but you probably hear the same voices in your head.
Enter short books.
Short books are books that are – you guessed it, short! They don’t require months of writing in solitude or elaborate outlines, publishing houses or publicity tours. They don’t even have to be particularly good.
While I’ve known about short books for a while, I kinda turned my nose up at them, because, ya know, I wanted to be a legit author with a bestselling book. But I’ve finally come to the realization that it’s all a bunch of bull, and what really matters is Writing. A. Book.
So I’ve joined a short book accountability group, and tonight is our first meeting. I’m both excited and nervous about starting. Excited because “I’m doing it!” And nervous because, “What if I don’t do it??”
Having a group for support is one of the best ways you can get past what’s keep you stuck and overwhelmed and propel you into action. That’s why I’ve been hosting my Mindset Reset Community Call every Wednesday at 1:00 PM EST. On the call you’ll get the support from me as a coach as well as a supportive community of like-minded entrepreneurs. So if there’s something that you’ve wanted to get done for a while, join us every Wednesday to get into action.
Hope to see you on the call!
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