Have you ever seen the movie A League of Their Own? The story is based on a real women’s baseball league that was created in 1943 after the men went to fight in World War II.
If you’ve hung around me for any length of time, you know that I am no stranger to cursing.
In fact, one of my favorite stories to share about my son Julian is
I’ve heard from three separate people this week how frustrated they are by their lack of progress in their business. One said that he felt like he had accomplishments, but nothing was “popping.”
Are you on Clubhouse yet? (if you’re not and you want to be, let me know and I’ll send you an invite).
I’ve been enjoying getting to know people on there and have listened
Alice Walker said, "The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any."
This quote was on my mind this morning for obvious reasons – today is, after all, Election Day.
I just got back from the doctor. I had noticed swelling under my right arm, and because I had lymphoma in 2007, I take these things very seriously. The earliest appointment I could get was for this morning.
Are these crazy times or what? In all my years of business I’ve never experienced anything like it - even having lived through events as severe as 9/11 and Hurricane Sandy.